10 December 1999 Alice Nutter's top 10 music books 1. Shibboleth: My Revolting Life by Penny Rimbaud aka JJ Ratter 2. The Manual: How to Have a Number One the Easy Way by Jimmy Cauty and Bill Drummond 3. Piaf by Simone Berteaut 4. Last Train to Memphis: The Rise of Elvis Presley by Peter Guralnick 5. Lipstick Traces by Greil Marcus 6. Paul Robeson by Martin Duberman 7. The Story Of The Letter U And The Numeral 2 by Negativland 8. Have Gun, Will Travel by Ronin Ro 9. England's Dreaming by Jon Savage 10. Walk This Way: the Autobiography of Aerosmith by Aerosmith and Stephen Davis
10 December 1999 Steve Bell's top 10 comic books 1. The Penguin Book of Comics by George Perry and Alan Aldridge 2. The Beezer Book 1959/60 3. Maus: A Survivor's Tale by Art Spiegelman 4. True Love by Posy Simmonds 5. Father Christmas and Father Christmas Goes on Holiday by Raymond Briggs 6. The Penguin Charles Addams 7. The Complete Barry Mackenzie by Nicholas Garland and Barry Humphries 8. One Bad Rat by Bryan Talbot 9. Kafka for Beginners by David Zane Mairowitz and Robert Crumb 10. Postmodernism for Beginners by Richard Appignanesi and Chris Garrett
10 December 1999 Jilly Cooper's top 10 romantic novels 1. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen 2. Middlemarch by George Eliot 3. A Dog Day by Walter Emmanuel with illustrations by Cecil Alden 4. The Pursuit of Love by Nancy Mitford 5. The Tortoise and the Hare by Elizabeth Jenkins 6. Barchester Towers by Anthony Trollope 7. The Tale of Mr Tod by Beatrix Potter 8. Excellent Women by Barbara Pym 9. A Question of Upbringing by Anthony Powell 10. The Judge's Story by Charles Morgan
10 December 1999 Tariq Ali's top 10 reads 1. Nights and Horses of the Desert: An Anthology of Classical Arab Literature by Robert Irwin 2. The Road to Terror by J Arch Getty and Oleg V Naumov 3. Machiavelli and Us by Louis Althusser, transl Gregory Elliot 4. The Rites of Men: Manhood, Politics and the Culture of Sport by Varda 5. For And Against Method by Imre Lakatos and Paul Feyerabend 6. The Global Gamble: Washington's Faustian Bid for World Dominance by Peter Gowan 7. King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror and Heroism in Colonial Africa by Adam Hochschild 8. The Man In Flames by Serge Filippini 9. Out of Place: A Memoir by Edward Said 10. Farewell To An Idea: Episodes from a History of Modernism by TJ Clark
10 December 1999 John Marenbon's top 10 books on philosophy 1. A Brief History of Western Philosophy by Anthony Kenny 2. Philosophy 1 edited by AC Grayling 3. Contingency, Irony and Solidarity by Richard Rorty 4. The Republic by Plato 5. Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle (trans Terence Irwin) 6. Selected Writings by St Thomas Aquinas (ed R McInerny) 7. Meditations on First Philosophy by René Descartes (ed and trans J Cottingham and B Williams) 8. Dialogues and Natural History of Religion by Hume 9. Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant (trans Paul Guyer and Allen Wood) 10. On Liberty and Other Essays by John Stuart Mill
10 December 1999 Julian Critchley's top 10 reads 1. The Leopard by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa 2. The Franco-Prussian War by Sir Michael Howard 3. From the Dreadnought to the Scapa Flow by Professor Arthur Marder 4. Going to the Wars by Sir John Verney 5. Diaries by 'Chips' Channon 6. Barchester Towers by Anthony Trollope 7. Middlemarch by George Eliot 8. The Go-Between by LP Hartley 9. Hitler by Alan Bullock 10. King Solomon's Mines by H Rider Haggard
10 December 1999 Hugo Young's top 10 books on the EU 1. The Price of Victory by Michael Charlton 2. Jean Monnet, the First Statesman of Interdependence by Francois Duchene 3. Ernest Bevin by Alan Bullock 4. Britons by Linda Colley 5. Delors - Inside the House that Jacques Built by Charles Grant 6. The Penguin Companion to the European Union by Timothy Bainbridge 7. A Life at the Centre by Roy Jenkins 8. Against a Federal Europe by William Cash 9. Europe Adrift by John Newhouse 10. De Gaulle: The Ruler, 1945-1970 by Jean Lacouture
10 December 1999 Adrian Poole's top 10 tragedies 1. The Oresteia by Aeschylus (5th century BC) 2. Antigone by Sophocles (5th century BC) 3. Bacchae by Euripides (5th century BC) 4. Hamlet by William Shakespeare (?1599-1601) 5. King Lear by William Shakespeare (?1604-1605) 6. Samson Agonistes by John Milton (1671) 7. Phaedra by Jean Racine (1677) 8. Tristan und Isolde by Richard Wagner (1856-1859) 9. Blood Wedding by Frederico Garcia Lorca (1933) 10. Not I by Samuel Beckett (1973)
10 December 1999 Simon Schama's top 10 history books 1. The Police and the People: French Popular Protest 1789-1820 by Richard Cobb 2. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon 3. The The Defeat of the Spanish Armada by Garrett Mattingly 4. The Ordeal of Thomas Hutchinson by Bernard Bailyn 5. London: A Social History by Roy Porter 6. The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II by Fernand Braudel 7. The Face of Battle by John Keegan 8. The French Revolution by Thomas Carlyle 9. The Cheese and the Worms: The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller by Carlo Ginzburg 10. Annals and Histories by Tacitus
10 December 1999 Dick Jude's top 10 science fiction books 1. Crash by JG Ballard 2. Use of Weapons by Iain M Banks 3. Vacuum Diagrams by Stephen Baxter 4. Distress by Greg Egan 5. Sarah Canary by Karen Joy Fowler 6. The Cassini Division by Ken MacLeod 7. The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell 8. Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson 9. Random Acts of Senseless Violence by Jack Womack 10. Requiem For Homo Sapiens by David Zindell
10 December 1999 Derek Draper's top 10 politics books 1. Means of Assent: The Years of Lyndon Johnson by Robert A Caro 2. Choose Freedom by Roy Hattersley 3. For the Sake of Argument by Christopher Hitchens 4. Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72 by Hunter S Thompson 5. Public Spending by Evan Davis (former BBC economics editor) 6. Labour's 1982 programme 7. Behind the Oval Office by Dick Morris 8. Once a Jolly Bagman by Alistair McAlpine 9. The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers by Paul Kennedy 10. Blair's One Hundred Days by Derek Draper
10 December 1999 Alex James's top 10 books 1. A Capote Reader 2. The Basil and Josephine Stories by F Scott Fitzgerald 3. Cider with Rosie by Laurie Lee 4. I'm the King of the Castle by Susan Hill 5. The Outsider by Albert Camus 6. Sexing the Cherry by Jeanette Winterson 7. Bella Vista by Colette 8. Carry on, Jeeves by PG Wodehouse 9. Paranoia in the Laundrette by Bruce Robinson 10. The Complete Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle
02 December 1999 Gary Younge's top 10 travel books 1. The Soccer War by Ryszard Kapuscinski 2. Bury Me Standing by Isobel Fonseca 3. The Great American Bus Ride by Irma Kurtz 4. Bad Land by Jonathan Raban 5. Exit into History by Eva Hoffman 6. Notes from a Big Country by Bill Bryson 7. I Wander as I Wonder by Langston Hughes 8. If They Come in the Morning by Angela Davies 9. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S Thompson 10. My Traitor's Heart by Ryan Malan
26 November 1999 Malcolm Gluck's top 10 wine books 1. Vino: The Wines and Winemakers of Italy by Burton Anderson 2. French Country Wines by Rosemary George 3. The Wines of the Rhone by John Livingston-Learmonth 4. The Wine Buyer's Guide by Robert Parker 5. The Oxford Companion to Wine edited by Jancis Robinson 6. Vines, Grapes and Wines by Jancis Robinson 7. The Story of Wine by Hugh Johnson 8. The Art and Science of Wine: The Winemaker's Option in the Vineyard and the Cellar by James Halliday and Hugh Johnson 9. Wine Snobbery: An Insider's Guide to the Booze Business by Andrew Barr 10. Drilling for Wine by Robin Yapp 11. The Wild Bunch: Great Wines from Small Producers by Patrick Matthews
26 November 1999 Alan Rusbridger's top 10 journalism books 1. Letters of Junius (1768- 1772) 2. Stick it Up Your Punter! by Peter Chippindale and Chris Horrie (1990) 3. Good Times, Bad Times by Harry Evans (1983) 4. Publish and Be Damned by Hugh Cudlipp (1953) 5. Scoop by Evelyn Waugh (1938) 6. Towards the End of the Morning by Michael Frayn (1967) 7. Autobiography by Neville Cardus (1947) 8. Dangerous Estate by Francis Williams (1957) 9. Make No Law by Anthony Lewis (1991) 10. C P Scott by various
26 November 1999 John Dugdale's top 10 media books 1. The New Journalism ed Tom Wolfe & EW Johnson 2. Paper Tigers by Nicholas Coleridge 3. The Media Trilogy by Robert Harris 4. Understanding Media by Marshall McLuhan 5. Mythologies by Roland Barthes 6. Decoding Advertisements by Judith Williamson 7. Tickle the Public by Matthew Engel 8. The Radio Companion by Paul Donovan 9. Stick It Up Your Punter! by Peter Chippindale and Chris Horrie 10. Rupert Murdoch by William Shawcross
25 November 1999 Ewen MacAskill's top 10 politics books 1. Mandelson by Donald MacIntyre 2. The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 3. Diaries by Alan Clark 4. Origins of the Labour Party, 1880-1900 by Henry Pelling 5. Primary Colors by Anonymous 6. Gordon Brown: The Biography by Paul Routledge 7. One of Us by Hugo Young 8. Time of My Life by Denis Healey 9. Rebel Hearts: Journeys Within the IRA's Soul by Kevin Toolis 10. If... cartoon compilations by Steve Bell
19 November 1999 Jon Snow's top 10 reads 1. Alan Clark's Diaries 2. All the President's Men by John Woodward and Carl Bernstein 3. Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe 4. Captain Corelli's Mandolin by Louis de Bernières 5. Aneurin Bevan by Michael Foot 6. Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens 7. When We Were Very Young by AA Milne 8. Swallows and Amazons by Arthur Ransom 9. Enduring Love by Ian McEwan 10. The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham
19 November 1999 Richard Gollner's top 10 books on getting published 1. The Writer's Handbook ed Barry Turner 2. English Our English (and How to Sing It) by Keith Waterhouse 3. The Penguin Guide to Punctuation by LA Trask 4. How To Write a Book and Get it Published: A Complete Guide to the Publishing Maze by Susan Curran 5. How To Write a Mi££ion: The Complete Guide to Becoming a Successful Author by Ansen Dibell, Orson Scott Card and Lewis Turco 6. A Passion for Narrative: A Guide to Writing Fiction by Jack Hodgins 7. Rewriting: A Creative Approach to Writing Fiction by David Michael Kaplan 8. Word Power: A Guide to Creative Writing by Julian Birkett 9. The Practice of Writing by David Lodge 10. Writing the Blockbuster Novel by Albert J Zuckerman